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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sometimes More Successful Than Others

So here I am again.  I've tried the blogging thing several times before.  Sometimes more successful than others but I always just quit doing it.  Started to be a bother and I never really had much to say...that anyone would want to read.  But you know what?  Who cares if someone else ever reads anything I write.  I want to do this as documentation of what I'm doing.  What I'm thinking.  Feeling. Saying.

Like blogging, I've tried to tackle losing weight and getting healthy thing several times.  Sometimes more successful than other but I always just quit doing it.  Hmmm...that sentence sounds familiar :)  But here I am trying again.  I've gained a lot of weight and working both physically and mentally to let it go.  Let it be if you will.  I'm going to try to write several times a week on what I'm doing on the food/exercise front as well as getting mentally and emotionally back in the game.  I'm getting there and it feels great.  It really does.  I can't wait to get this stuff under control, look back on these early days and just be so happy with my journey.  Enjoy the ride peeps....or me.  Just me :)

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